Medan-the coastal area of the east coast of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) is threatened by trawling and sea sand mining. Because of this, environmental Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs) build consolidation for investigations. Saturday, (11/01/25).
Uncontrolled sand mining activity has led to significant beach abrasion, threatening settlements and coastal infrastructure. The loss of mangrove ecosystems due to sand mining activity has reduced the ability of coastal areas to withstand waves and storms, increasing vulnerability to the effects of climate change.
Dewi Hairani, Program Manager of the Srikandi Lestari Foundation, sees the extraction of marine resources through the use of heavy equipment as leading to severe environmental degradation.
“The direct impacts include damage to coral reefs, coastal erosion, and reduced water quality and marine habitat,” said Dewi.
He also recalled the existence of regulations regarding the protection of Natural Resources in managing, as stated in law (UU) No. 32 of 2009, and the use of trawler, trawler cantrang, as well as sea sand mining, is not environmentally friendly.
“Strict supervision and regulation is needed to maintain the sustainability of fish resources,” he concluded.
This consolidation was attended by the Srikandi Lestari Foundation, Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (Walhi Sumut), Green Justice Indonesia, Chairman of the Sergai fishermen Group and members of the Sergai Regency DPRD.