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Diberitakan Soal Dugaan Pungli, Oknum Kabid Disdik Langkat Berang Oknum Kabid Disdik Langkat Diduga Pungli Rp10 Juta untuk Jabatan Kasek SMP Pimpinan DPRD Sumut Ricky Anthony Bantu Janda Korban Kebakaran Wakil Ketua DPRD Sumut Ricky Anthony Bantu Korban Kebakaran di Stabat Pencairan Dana BOS 2025, Plt Kadisdik Langkat Terbitkan Surat Penugasan Kasek Keliru Input Data LHKPN H Ajai Ismail, Staf Tenaga Ahli DPRD Langkat Minta Maaf


Forest Conversion, Riau Experiences The Worst Environmental Damage


 Alih Fungsi Hutan Perbesar

Alih Fungsi Hutan

Riau province was ranked first with the largest deforestation area. Areas in the province faced severe environmental damage due to deforestation with a total of 43,714.8 rb Ha in 2017-2018 and increased to 142,011. 1 Ha in 2018-2019 (BPS 20220).

Some of the activities that are suspected to be the cause of deforestation from year to year are the conversion of forest areas for development purposes in other sectors such as plantations and Transmigration; unsustainable forest management, timber theft or illegal logging;1

Forest Utilization activities, use of forest areas, changes in forest area designation and other legal uses, mining, RIAU encroachment and illegal land occupation; forest fires,and natural disasters (Directorate of IPSDH, Directorate General of PKTL and KLHK).

Riau forest is divided into nature reserve areas, protected hunting areas, limited production forest areas, fixed production forest areas and production forest areas that can be converted.Riau province lost 17,911,219. 27 Ha forest area within 30 years (DLHK Prov. Riau)

On the other hand, the lack of optimal reforestation and reforestation activities has resulted in the increasing extent of critical land. Environmental damage can also be felt to increase as deforestation increases.

Deforestation takes away the ability of forests to absorb rainwater.As a result, water goes directly to the ground, causing erosion and flooding. In addition, the missing tree roots make the soil labile and easily carried away by water (

Deforestation also increases the surface flow of rainwater, as the soil cannot absorb water well. Soil erosion increases sediment levels in rivers, causing silting and flooding. River flow patterns also changed, exacerbating the effects of flooding.

Deforestation has become one of the biggest threats to forest sustainability. These activities lead to loss of biodiversity, climate change, damage to ecosystems, and loss of Natural Resources. Deforestation also impacts the quality of life of local communities by increasing the risk of environmental refugees and economic losses (World Wildlife Fund. (2020). Deforestation and Forest Degradation.)

According to the director of the Srikandi Lestari Foundation, the impact of illegal logging and deforestation in Riau Province, Indonesia, is very detrimental to both the environment and society. Illegal logging causes the loss of forests that serve as a buffer for life, disrupts the balance of ecosystems, and exacerbates environmental damage. One of the most significant impacts is the occurrence of natural disasters, such as floods and landslides, which are increasingly frequent in the area. Deforestation also contributes to climate change by reducing the ability of forests to absorb carbon, thus exacerbating global warming. In addition, this illegal logging activity also damages the livelihoods of people who depend on the existence of forests for various aspects of life, such as agriculture and Natural Resources.

Given the importance of forests and the impact of deforestation, it is imperative to stop this activity immediately. Conservation efforts and sustainable forest management must be carried out to maintain the sustainability of forest ecosystems. Governments, civil society, and the private sector must work together to develop policies and practices that support forest protection. (Kry)

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